正规博彩十大网站排名 from a Bahia soy producer: The challenges of nurturing sustainable farming in the Cerrado

发表: 2023年9月27日
作者: 软商品论坛
类型: 洞察力

Jarbas Bergamaschi, 46岁, is a rural producer and owner of Sama Farm in the Brazilian Cerrado, 他在哪里种植大豆, 小麦, 玉米, 和高粱. 从2001年起就住在西巴伊亚州, the same year he graduated in business administration and left his hometown of Xanxerê in Santa Catarina, 贾巴斯于2007年搬到Sama农场, 位于Luís Eduardo magalh市, 在本州的同一地区内. We recently spoke with him to better understand the importance of sustainable agriculture in Bahia, and his experience with implementing sustainable agricultural practices in the region.  


A: Sustainable agriculture is fundamental for sustaining our business. 作为生产者, our goal is to preserve and keep the soil healthy because it represents our most valuable asset. The Forest Code mandates that in our region at least 20% of an agricultural property must be maintained with native vegetation. 我们的农场由28%的原生植被组成, including a Permanent Preservation Area (APP) and a legal reserve along the banks of a river that traverses our property. 为了保护这条河附近的法定保护区, all our productive areas are located at the highest points of the property, maintaining a distance of approximately one thousand meters from the river. 在这种情况下, 我们的灌溉系统配备了水管理系统, 允许我们只使用必要数量的水. Thus, we utilize natural resources, including water and agricultural inputs, in a sustainable manner.  

Q: What are the most important techniques in your daily farm operations, 以及对你的业务来说最重要的市场? 

答:我们尽可能长时间地采用免耕耕作制度, 必要时, 我们更新土壤剖面. 由于坡度,我们在我们的区域保持等高线. 我们还采用了害虫管理系统, 无论是化学的还是生物的, 我们有先进的设备, 比如拖拉机, 喷雾器, 和种植园主, 提高操作效率. We preserve the local roads within the farm with water containment measures to prevent erosion. 

我们的主要市场是国内, 尤其是小麦, 高粱, 和玉米, while the majority of our soybeans are directed toward export markers through regional trading companies. 

Q: In your experience, is it challenging to produce sustainably, without clearing land? 

A:我不认为这是个问题. 我们的环保法规相当严格, so farmers only clear land within the legal boundaries of their property, 保护法定储备. Clearing land illegally is no longer a practice among soy producers in this region; it is something that no longer fits within the activities of the producers. In fact, farmers are focused on preserving their reserves and protecting the soil.  沿路甚至还有一个社区, 当发生火灾时, 我们集合所有人去救火. 农村生产者想尽一切办法来保护. 

问:全球市场, 比如欧盟, 是否对与森林砍伐有关的产品施加限制. 这些措施将如何影响您的业务? 

A: I don't see a problem with the European market because in Brazil we have a very stringent law which guides us to preserve while producing. 这应该足够了. Brazil is one of the countries that conserves the most native vegetation worldwide, 农村生产者也意识到了这一点. Producers understand the need to comply with regulations and take care of preservation areas. We keep our preservation area, pay taxes on this land, and have the obligation to look after it. This cost remains with us, as we don't receive any financial benefit from such practices. 这是法律,我们要遵守. We see this as a way to leave a better place for our children and grandchildren, 我们为节约和保护我们的土地感到自豪.  We are also able to comply with international certifications in labor and environmental issues. 

Q: What incentives are necessary, in your view, to promote sustainable agriculture? 

A: The greatest incentive is our own desire to pursue technological advancements, 迎合市场, 并确保我们的产品得到认可和重视. The products here in Bahia have a quality advantage due to the soil and solar exposure. An incentive would be for the market to reward our product based on its protein content, 以大豆和玉米为例, 以小麦为例, 我们生产了一种改良的, 高品质作物. 我们正在履行我们的责任, and traders have access to our documentation and understand how we operate. The missing piece is for the market to recognize the economic value of our product. 

问:从正规博彩十大网站排名的角度来看, how do you envision your farm and the region evolving in the long-term future? 

答:我认为这个地区的正规博彩十大网站排名能力越来越强, as people become more conscious and recognize the benefits of soil preservation and proper land and crop management. We need to improve infrastructure in our region, especially in terms of logistics and grain storage. 通过维持合法的保护区和动物群, we will always have a balance between the productive sector and environmental preservation, and it's a trend that is already yielding positive results for everyone. 超越了他们作为食品生产者的角色, Brazilian farmers are also contributing to the preservation of the environment. 

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the interviewee.

标签: 软商品论坛

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